A gift in your will could help change the lives of thousands of cats, kittens, guinea pigs and our resident animals for years to come
We don’t particularly like to think about what happens when we are no longer here, but to be able to leave a legacy in your name and memory can be a really lovely thing to do and for us, as an independent charity, it can really make a big difference to us and the animals in our care.
Running costs are never ending and raising enough to cover them is an ongoing headache, so any assistance with those is so very much appreciated. Equally, finding the funds to cover the everyday costs can mean that other projects can sometimes be put on an indefinite hold due to a lack of funds.
Therefore, at times, it can be refreshing and a relief if money is left to us to be used to fund a particular project.

What will you pass on to the animals of tomorrow?
- By leaving £600 you could help rehabiliate 4 hedgehogs during a three month period
- By leaving £3,000 you could help pay towards our running costs for a week
- By leaving £6,000 you could help us pay towards our annual energy costs, which includes heating for all of our animals onsite
- By leaving £10,000 you could help us pay towards our resident stable animals feed, bedding, supplements, enrichment and much more
- By leaving £25,000 you could help pay towards our shelter and resident cats and hedgehogs food, bedding, litter, cleaning equipment and much more
- A larger gift could help maintain our new cattery, hedgehog unit and fund any future projects.
A gift in your will can make a life-changing difference to thousands of animals for years to come.

How to remember us in your Will
To support us in this way, ask your Solicitor or Bank Manager how to include us. The following format is suggested:-
“I bequeath unto the ‘Woodlands Animal Sanctuary’ (Reg Charity No 1190858) of Woodlands Farm, Sandy Lane, Holmeswood, Lancashire, L40 1UE, the sum of £………………… (free of duty) and declare that the receipt of the Treasurer or other authorised officer for the time being of the Charity shall be a good and sufficient discharge of such legacy.”
If you have already made out your will, you can still benefit the Sanctuary by the addition of a short codicil.